My 2021 Year in review

Nearly three-hundred and sixty-five days have come and gone in the blink of an eye. This year had a lot of ups and downs and we just basically Thank God for keeping us through them all. We all know that we are in the middle of a pandemic nothing is certain and the world doesn't feel normal just yet. After the harrowing events of 2020, we were cautiously optimistic about 2021 we deemed it a savior a return to normal from lockdowns, loss, and global upheaval. Indeed, it was difficult to predict how the year is going to finish.

Despite all things that happened around us, this was also the busiest year of my life. I startedlearned, and actually finished doing so many things. One of my major focuses has always been to develop my skills. I improved and expanded my skill set, which included Digital skills, analytical skills, Critical thinking, communications, leadership, problem analysis, and others. 

I’ve been really hesitant to do things in the past couple of years due to fear of all of the above. But recently, I’ve been trying to do it in any possible way and I realized that the outcome is much more enjoyable than I originally tried to convince myself it wouldn’t be.

2021 has been a challenging one. But I managed to achieve excellent results for my career development. One of the great achievements I have made in that year is I’ve started to pursue a Master of Data Science at SIMAD University.  

My 2021 was an incredible adventure. The network and the friendships I made are the most valuable assets. This year I want to dive into more hobbies that can teach me something. To continue on the idea of entering 2022 with so much unknown, I’m pretty excited for the year and years to come. Going into 2022 is incredibly different than any of my previous years. 

Finally, May Allah blesses us all with success, health, happiness, patience, and strength. May all your dreams come true and may you live the life that you have always dreamed of.





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